Bike Helmet Hats
"Because I would wear a bike helmet if it didn't look like a bike helmet!"
At 56 years old, I bought a new bicycle in 2018 and found I love riding - it's more fun than should be
legal! I feel safer wearing a bike helmet but helmets are not designed to look cool. So I created a
modern and pretty "Bike Helmet Hat" to wear over my bike helmet. I added connectors on the sides
that attach to my bike helmet straps to securely hold hat on while I ride. In 2019, I decided to open a
small business selling my Bike Helmet Hats - "Because I would wear a bike helmet if it didn't look like a bike
helmet!" If I get just one adult to wear a bike helmet and prevent serious head injury in a worst-case
accident I'll have accomplished something truly meaningful.
If you have a favorite hat style please email or text me from links on website – if you can describe it, I can make it. Custom hats usually ship in 4-6 weeks.
I believe all bike lives matter and adults should wear bike helmets too. When you ride be safe, wear a helmet. When you ride be stylish, wear a Bike Helmet Hat by Colleen.